① 脳の発達と糖鎖
② 神経新生と老化
③ 脱細胞化脳組織を使った3次元培養の試み
① 神経筋疾患について
② 運動による老化防止効果について
③ 脱細胞化組織を使った3次元骨格筋培養の試み
- 鈴木佑治
- 辻裕介
医学部生 基礎研究医養成プログラム所属
- 6年秋葉星哉
- 6年大野竜暉
- 6年加藤可那
- 5年田中貴大
- 5年豊田実和子
- 4年長原史奈
- 3年西村陽
- 3年松田ひより
- 2年安部龍征
- 2年村越和輝
- 教授 副センター長、神経学講座併任平澤 恵理
- 特任助教オレリアン ケレベール
- 特任助教、神経学講座併任山下 由莉
Yamashita Y, Hatano T, Ogawa T, Daida K, Motoi Y, Hattori N. Steroid‐responsive parkinsonism caused by cerebral amyloid angiopathy‐related inflammation. Mov Disord Clin Pract. , 7, 329-331, 2020.
Yamashita Y, Ogawa T, Ogaki K, Kamo H, Sukigara T, Kitahara E, Izawa N, Iwamuro H, Oyama G, Kamagata K, Hatano T, Umemura A, Kosaki R, Kubota M, Shimo Y, Hattori N. Neuroimaging evaluation and successful treatment by using directional deep brain stimulation and levodopa in a patient with GNAO1-associated movement disorder: A case report. J Neurol Sci., 411, 116710, 2020.
Yamashita Y, Hatano T, Ogawa T, Daida K, Motoi Y, Hattori N.
Steroid‐responsive parkinsonism caused by cerebral amyloid angiopathy‐related inflammation. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2020 Feb 13
doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12901
de Vega S, Kondo A, Suzuki M, Arai H, Jiapaer S, Sabit H, Nakada M, Ikeuchi T, Ishijima M, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y, Okada Y. Fibulin-7 is overexpressed in glioblastomas and modulates glioblastoma neovascularization through interaction with angiopoietin-1. Int J Cancer, 145, 2157-2169, 2019.
Suzuki Y, Kerever A, Tanaka T, Higashi K, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. The Structural and Compositional Changes of Chondroitin Sulfate Chains in the Aged Mouse Hippocampus. Juntendo Medical Journal, 65, 64-70, 2019.
Yoshimura Y, Ishijima M, Ishibashi M, Liu L, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Machida S, Naito H, Hamada C, Kominami E. A nationwide observational study of locomotive syndrome in Japan using the ResearchKit: The Locomonitor study. J Orthop Sci., 24, 1094-1104, 2019.
Nakamura K, Ikeuchi T, Nara K, Rhodes CS, Zhang P, Chiba Y, Kazuno S, Miura Y, Ago T, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Mukouyama YS, Yamada Y. Perlecan regulates pericyte dynamics in the maintenance and repair of the blood-brain barrier. J Cell Biol, 218, 3506-3525, 2019.
Yamada T, Kerever A, Arikwa-Hirasawa E. Aging of Extracellular Matrix in Adult Neurogenesis. Juntendo Medical Journal, 65, 39-42, 2019.
Tomiki Y, Saito K, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Mita T, Shimizu T, Suzuki T, Ohnuma T, Ohtomo Y, Nagaoka I. Club Activities of Medical Students at Juntendo University – Changes of Membership over the 30-year Heisei Era. Juntendo Medical Journal, 65, 172-178, 2019.
Kamo H, Hatano T, Kanai K, Aoki N, Kamiyama D, Yokoyama K, Takanashi M, Yamashita Y, Shimo Y, Hattori N. Pembrolizumab-related systemic myositis involving ocular and hindneck muscles resembling myasthenic gravis: a case report. BMC Neurol , 19, 184, 2019.
Nakazawa T N, Fujiwara N, Miyahara K, Nakada S, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Akazawa C, Urao M, Yamataka A. The effect of laminin-1 on enteric neural crest-derived cell migration in the Hirschsprung’s disease mouse model. Pediatr Surg Int. , 17, 138-144, 2018.
Irie R, Kamagata K, Kerever A, Ueda R, Yokosawa S, Otake Y, Ochi H, Yoshizawa H, Hayashi A, Tagawa K, Okazawa H, Takahashi K, Sato K, Hori M, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Aoki S. The Relationship between Neurite Density Measured with Confocal Microscopy in a Cleared Mouse Brain and Metrics Obtained from Diffusion Tensor and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging. Magn Reson Med Sci, 17, 138-144, 2018
Yamashita Y, Nakada S, Yoshihara T, Nara T, Furuya N, Miida T, Hattori N, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, regulates systemic metabolism with dynamic changes in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Sci Rep., 8, 7766, 2018.
Ikeuchi T, de Vega S, Forcinito P, Doyle AD, Amaral J, Rodriguez IR, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y. Extracellular Protein Fibulin-7 and Its C-Terminal Fragment Have In Vivo Antiangiogenic Activity. Sci Rep., 8, 17654, 2018.
Sadatsuki R, Kaneko H, Kinoshita M, Futami I, Nonaka R, Culley KL, Otero M, Hada S, Goldring MB, Yamada Y, Kaneko K, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Ishijima M. Perlecan is required for the chondrogenic differentiation of synovial mesenchymal cells through regulation of Sox9 gene expression. J Orthop Res., 35, 837-846, 2017.
Sato K, Kerever A, Kamagata K, Tsuruta K, Irie R, Tagawa K, Okazawa H, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Nitta N, Aoki I, Aoki S. Understanding microstructure of the brain by comparison of neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) with transparent mouse brain. Acta Radiol Open, 6, 2058460117703816, 2017.
Fujiwara N, Nakazawa-Tanaka N, Miyahara K, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Akazawa C, Yamataka A. Altered expression of laminin alpha1 in aganglionic colon of endothelin receptor-B null mouse model of Hirschsprung’s disease. Pediatr Surg Int., 34, 137-141, 2018.
Yamada T, Kerever A, Yoshimura Y, Suzuki Y, Nonaka R, Higashi K, Toida T, Mercier F, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Heparan sulfate alterations in extracellular matrix structures and fibroblast growth factor-2 signaling impairment in the aged neurogenic niche. J Neurochem, 142, 534-544, 2017.
de Vega S, Hozumi K, Suzuki N, Nonaka R, Seo E, Takeda A, Ikeuchi T, Nomizu M, Yamada Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Identification of Peptides Derived from the C-terminal Domain of Fibulin-7 Active for Endothelial Cell Adhesion and Tube Formation Disruption. Biopolymers, 106, 184-195, 2016.
Kamagata K, Kerever A, Yokosawa S, Otake Y, Ochi H, Hori M, Kamiya K, Tsuruta K, Tagawa K, Okazawa H, Aoki S, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Quantitative Histological Validation of Diffusion Tensor MRI with Two-Photon Microscopy of Cleared Mouse Brain. Magn Reson Med Sci., 15, 416-421, 2016.
Nonaka R, Iesaki T, de Vega S, Daida H, Okada T, Sasaki T, and Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan deficiency causes endothelial dysfunction by reducing the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Physiol Rep., 3, e12272, 2015.
Kerever A, Kamagata K, Yokosawa S, Otake Y, Ochi H, Yamada T, Hori M, Kamiya K, Nishikori A, Aoki S, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. See-through Brains and Diffusion Tensor MRI Clarified Fiber Connections. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences, 14, 159-162, 2015.
Iwata S, Ito M, Nakata T, Noguchi Y, Okuno T, Ohkawara B, Masuda A, Goto T, Adachi M, Osaka H, Nonaka R, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Ohno K. A missense mutation in domain III in HSPG2 in Schwartz–Jampel syndrome compromises secretion of perlecan into the extracellular space. Neuromuscul Disord, 25, 667-671, 2015.
Kerever A, Yamada T, Suzuki Y Mercier F, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Fractone aging in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle. J Chem Neuroanat., 66-67, 52-60, 2015.
Ning L, Xu Z, Furuya N, Nonaka R, Yamada Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan inhibits autophagy to maintain muscle homeostasis in mouse soleus muscle. Matrix Biol., 48, 263, 2015.
de Vega S, Hozumi K, Suzuki N, Nonaka R, Seo E, Takeda A, Ikeuchi T, Nomizu M, Yamada Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Identification of Peptides Derived from the C-terminal Domain of Fibulin-7 Active for Endothelial Cell Adhesion and Tube Formation Disruption. Biopolymers, 106, 184-195, 2016.
Kamagata K, Kerever A, Yokosawa S, Otake Y, Ochi H, Hori M, Kamiya K, Tsuruta K, Tagawa K, Okazawa H, Aoki S, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Quantitative Histological Validation of Diffusion Tensor MRI with Two-Photon Microscopy of Cleared Mouse Brain. Magn Reson Med Sci., 15, 416-421, 2016.
Nonaka R, Iesaki T, de Vega S, Daida H, Okada T, Sasaki T, and Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan deficiency causes endothelial dysfunction by reducing the expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Physiol Rep., 3, e12272, 2015.
Kerever A, Kamagata K, Yokosawa S, Otake Y, Ochi H, Yamada T, Hori M, Kamiya K, Nishikori A, Aoki S, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. See-through Brains and Diffusion Tensor MRI Clarified Fiber Connections. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences, 14, 159-162, 2015.
Iwata S, Ito M, Nakata T, Noguchi Y, Okuno T, Ohkawara B, Masuda A, Goto T, Adachi M, Osaka H, Nonaka R, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Ohno K. A missense mutation in domain III in HSPG2 in Schwartz–Jampel syndrome compromises secretion of perlecan into the extracellular space. Neuromuscul Disord, 25, 667-671, 2015.
Kerever A, Yamada T, Suzuki Y Mercier F, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Fractone aging in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle. J Chem Neuroanat., 66-67, 52-60, 2015.
Ning L, Xu Z, Furuya N, Nonaka R, Yamada Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan inhibits autophagy to maintain muscle homeostasis in mouse soleus muscle. Matrix Biol., 48, 263, 2015.
Furuya N, Ikeda SI, Sato S, Soma S, Ezaki J, Trejo JA, Takeda-Ezaki M, Fujimura T, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Tada N, Komatsu M, Tanaka K, Kominami E, Hattori N, Ueno T. PARK2/Parkin-mediated mitochondrial clearance contributes to proteasome activation during slow-twitch muscle atrophy via NFE2L1 nuclear translocation. Autophagy, 10, 631-641, 2014.
de Vega S, Suzuki N, Nonaka R, Sasaki T, Forcinito P, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y. A C-terminal fragment of fibulin-7 interacts with endothelial cells and inhibits their tube formation in culture. Arch Biochem Biophys, 545, 148-53, 2014.
Ning L, Kurihara H, de Vega S, Ichikawa-Tomikawa N, Xu Z,Nonaka R, Kazuno S, Yamada Y, Miner JH, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Laminin α1 regulates age-related mesangial cell proliferation and mesangial matrix accumulation through the TGFβ pathway. The American Journal of Pathology, 184, 1683-1694, 2014.
Kerever A, Mercier F, Nonaka R, de Vega S, Oda Y, Zalc B, Okada Y, Hattori N, Yamada Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan is required for FGF-2 signaling in the neural stem cell niche. Stem Cell Res., 12, 492-505, 2014.
Douet V, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Mercier F. Fractone-heparan sulfates mediate FGF-2 stimulation of cell proliferation in the adult subventricular zone. Cell Prolif., 46, 137-145, 2013.
Nakazawa N, Miyahara K, Okawada M, Yamataka A, Suzuki R, Akazawa C, Tomikawa-Ichikawa N, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Laminin-1 promotes enteric nervous system development in mouse embryo. Pediatr Surg Int., 29, 1205-1208, 2013.
Suzuki N, Numakawa T. Joshua Chou J, de Vega, S, Mizuniwa C, Sekimoto K, Adachi N, Kunugi N, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y, Akazawa C. Teneurin-4 promotes cellular protrusion formation and neurite outgrowth through focal adhesion kinase signaling . The FASEB Journal, 28, 1386-1397, 2014.
Ichikawa-Tomikawa N, Ogawa J, Douet V, Xu Z, Kamikubo Y, Sakurai T, Kohsaka S, Chiba H, Hattori H, Yamada Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Laminin a1 is essential for mouse cerebellar development. Matrix Biol., 31, 17–28, 2012.
Mercier F, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Heparan sulfate niche for cell proliferation in the adult brain. Neuroscience Letters, 5, 67-72, 2012.
Yoshinaga H, Sakoda S, Good JM, Takahashi MP, Kubota T, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Nakata T, Ohno K, Kitamura T, Kobayashi K, Ohtsuka Y. A novel mutation in SCN4A causes severe myotonia and school-age-onset paralytic episodes. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 315, 15-19, 2012.
Inomata T, Ebihara N, Funaki T, Matsuda A, Watanabe Y, Ning L, Xu Z, Murakami A, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan-Deficient Mutation Impairs Corneal Epithelial Structure. Ophthalmol Vis Sci.、 53, 1277-1284, 2012.
Ishijima M, Suzuki N, Hozumi K, Matsunobu T, Kosaki K, Kaneko H, Hassell JR, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y. Perlecan modulates VEGF signaling and is essential for vascularization in endochondral bone formation. Matrix Biol., 31. 234-245, 2012.
Suzuki N, Fukushi M, Kosaki K, Doyle AD, de Vega S, Yoshizaki K, Akazawa C, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y. Teneurin-4 is a novel regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination of small-diameter axons in the CNS. J Neurosci., 32. 11586-11599, 2012.
Futami I, Ishijima M, Kaneko H, Tsuji K, Ichikawa-Tomikawa N, Sadatsuki R, Muneta T, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Sekiya I, Kaneko K. Isolation and Characterization of Multipotential Mesenchymal Cells from the Mouse Synovium. PLoS One, 7, e45517, 2012.
Douet V, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Mercier F. Fractone-heparan sulfates mediate BMP-7 inhibition of cell proliferation in the adult subventricular zone. Neurosci Lett., 528, 120-125, 2012.
Ning L, Ishijima M, Kaneko H, Kurihara H, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Kubota M, Liu L, Xu Z, Futami I, Yusup A, Miyahara K, Xu S, Kaneko K, Kurosawa H. Correlations between both the expression levels of inflammatory mediators and growth factor in medial perimeniscal synovial tissue and the severity of medial knee osteoarthritis. Int. Orthop, 35, 831-838, 2011.
Chyba M, Mercier F, Rader J, Douet V, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Kwon YC, Kodama R. Dynamic mathematical modeling of cell-fractone interactions. Journal of Math-for-Industry, 3, 79–88, 2011.
Syu A, Ishiguro H, Inada T, Horiuchi Y, Tanaka S, Ishikawa M, Arai M, Itokawa M, Niizato K, Iritani S, Ozaki N, Takahashi M, Kakita A, Takahashi H, Nawa H, Keino-Masu K, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Arinami T. Association of the HSPG2 gene with neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia. Neuropsycho-pharmacology, 35, 1155-1164, 2010.
Sakamoto Y, Ishijima M, Kaneko H, Kurebayashi N, Ichikawa N, Futami I, Kurosawa H, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Distinct Mechanosensitive Ca2+ Influx Mechanisms in Human Primary Synovial Fibroblasts. J Orthop Res., 28, 859-864, 2010.
Namba T, Yabe T, Gonda Y, Ichikawa N, Sanagi T, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Mochizuki H, Kohsaka S, Uchino S. Pigment epithelium-derived factor up-regulation induced by memantine, an N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist, is involved in increased proliferation of hippocampal progenitor cells. Neuroscience, 167, 372-383, 2010.
Xu Z, Ichikawa N, Kosaki K, Yamada Y, Sasaki T, Sakai LY Kurosawa H, Hattori N, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Perlecan deficiency causes muscle hypertrophy, a decrease in myostatin expression, and changes in muscle fiber composition. Matrix Biol., 29, 461-470, 2010.
Sasaki T, Takagi J, Giudici C, Yamada Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Deutzmann R, Timpl R, Sonnenberg A, Bächinger HP, Tonge D. Laminin-121-Recombinant expression and interactions with integrins. Matrix Biol., 29, 484-493, 2010.
Ichikawa N, Iwabuchi K, Kurihara H, Ishii K, Kobayashi, Sasaki T, Hattori N,Mizuno Y, Hozumi K, Yamada Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Binding of laminin-1 to GM1 ganglioside in lipid rafts is critical forneurite outgrowth. J Cell Sci., 122, 289-299, 2009.
Arimura T, Hayashi YK, Murakami T, Oya Y, Funabe S, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Hattori N, Nishino I, Kimura A. Mutational analysis of Fukutin gene in dilated cardiomyopathy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Circulation Journal, 73, 158-161, 2009.
Awamura Y, Uchida K, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Long-term follow-up of laminin alpha2 (merosin)-deficient muscular dystrophy in a cat. J Feline Med Surg., 10, 274-279, 2008.
Kerever A, Schnack J, Vellinga D, Ichikawa N, Moon C, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Efird JT Mercier F. Novel Extracellular Matrix Structures in the Neural Stem Cell Niche Capture the Neurogenic Factor FGF-2 from the Extracellular Milieu. Stem Cells, 25, 2146-2157, 2007.
Sher I, Zisman-Rozen S, Eliahu L, Whitelock JM, Maas-Szabowski N, Yamada Y, Breitkreutz D, Fusenig NE, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Iozzo RV, Bergman R, Ron D. Targeting perlecan in human keratinocytes reveals novel roles for perlecan in epidermal formation. J. Biol. Chem., 281, 5178-5187, 2006.
Sugie K, Noguchi S, Kozuka Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Tanaka M, Yan C, Saftig P, von Figura K, Hirano M, Ueno S, Nonaka I, Nishino I. Autophagic Vacuoles with Sarcolemmal Features Delineate Danon Disease and Related Myopathies. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol., 64, 513–522, 2005.
Ichikawa N, Kasai S, Suzuki N, Nishi N, Oishi S, Fujii N, Kadoya Y, Hatori K, Mizuno Y, Nomizu M, Arikawa-Hirasawa E. Identification of neurite outgrowth active sites on the laminin alpha4 chain G domain. Biochemistry, 44, 5755-5762, 2005.
Vikramadithyan RK, Kako Y, Chen G, Hu Y, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y, Goldberg IJ. Atherosclerosis in perlecan heterozygous mice. J Lipid Res., 45, 1806-1812, 2004.
Yuasa K, Fukumoto S, Kamasaki Y, Yamada A, Fukumoto E, Kanaoka K, Saito K, Harada H, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Miyagoe-Suzuki Y, Takeda S, Okamoto K, Kato Y, Fujiwara T. Laminin alpha2 essential for odontoblast differentiation regulating dentin sialoprotein expression. J Biol Chem., 279, 10286-10292, 2004.
Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Le AH , Nishino I, Nonaka I, Ho NC, Francomano CA, Govindraj P, Hassell JR, Devaney JM, Spranger J, Stevenson RH, Iannaccone S, Dalakas MC, Yamada Y. Structural and functional mutations of the perlecan gene cause Schwartz-Jampel syndrome, with myotonic myopathy and chondrodysplasia. Am. J. Hu. Gen.,70, 1368-1375, 2001.
Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Yamada Y. Perlecan mutations in mice and humans: critical role of perlecan in skeletal development and disease. Acta Myologica, 20, 134-137, 2001.
Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Wilcox RL, Govindraj P, Hassell JR, Yamada Y. Dyssegmental dysplasia, Silverman-Handmaker type, is caused by a functional null mutation of perlecan. Nature Genetics, 27, 431-434, 2001.
Fleischmajer R, Kuroda K, Utani A, Douglas MacDonald E, Perlish JS, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Sekiguchi K, Sanzen N, Timpl R, and Yamada Y. Differential expression of laminin alpha chains during proliferative and differentiation stages in a model for skin morphogenesis. Matrix Biology, 19, 637-647, 2000.
Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Watanabe H, Takami H, Hassell JR, Yamada Y. Perlecan is essential for cartilage and cephalic development. Nature Genetics, 23, 354-358,1999.
Tumaki N, Tanaka K, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Nakase T, Kimura T, Thomas JT, Ochi T, Luyten FP, Yamada Y. Role of CDMP-1 in skeletal morphogenesis: promotion of mesenchymal cell recruitment and chondrocyte differentiation. Journal of Cell Biology, 144, 161-173,1999.
Yamanouchi Y, Arikawa E, Arahata K, Ozawa E, Nonaka I. Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy: Clinical and pathologic reevaluation. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 129, 15-20, 1995.
Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Koga R, Tsukahara T, Nonaka I, Mitsudome A, Goto K, Beggs AH, Arahata K. A severe muscular dystrophy patient with an internally deleted very short (110 kD) dystrophin: presence of the binding site for dystrophin-associated glycoprotein (DAG) may not be enough for physiological function of dystrophin. Neuromusclar Disorders, 5, 429-438, 1995
Hayashi YK, Engvall E, Arikawa-Hirasawa E, Goto K, Koga R, Nonaka I, Sugita H, Arahata K. Abnormal localization of laminin subunits in muscular dystrophies. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 19, 53-61, 1993.
Hoffman EP, Arahata K, Minetti C, Bonilla E, Rowland LP, and Co-Authors. Dystrophinopathy in isolated cases of myopathy in females. J Neurology, 42, 967-975, 1992.
Udd B, Rapola J, Arikawa E, Somer H. Nonvacuolar myopathy in a large family with both late adult onset distal myopathy and severe proximal muscular dystrophy. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 113, 214-221, 1992.
Beggs AH, Neumann E, Arahata K, Arikawa E, Nonaka I, Anderson MS, Kunkel LM. Possible influences on the expression of X chromosome linked dystrophin abnormalities by heterozygosity for autosomal recessive Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 89, 6623-6627, 1992.
Arahata K, Beggs AH, Honda H, Ito S, Ishiura S, Tsukahara T, Ishiguro T, Eguchi C, Orimo S, Arikawa E, Kaido M, Nonaka I, Sugita H, Kunkel LM. Preservation of the C-terminus of dystrophin molecule in the skeletal muscle from Becker muscular dystrophy. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 101, 148-156, 1991.
Arikawa E, Hoffman EP, Kaido M, Nonaka I, Arahata K. The requency of patients with dystrophin abnormalities in a limb-girdle patient population. Neurology, 41, 1491-1496, 1991.
Arikawa E, I shihara T, Nonaka I, Sugita H, Arahata K. Immunocytochemical analysis of dystrophin in congenital muscular dystrophy. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 105, 79-87, 1991.
Sunohara N, Arahata K, Hoffman EP, Yamada H, Nishimiya J, Arikawa E, Kaido M, Nonaka I, Sugita H. Quadriceps myopathy:form fruste of Becker muscular dystrophy. Annals of Neurology, 28, 634-639,1990.