Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport


LBM(Lean Body Mass)

It refers to the weight excluding fat mass. Lean body mass (LBM) is composed of muscles, bones, internal organs, blood, etc., with muscles accounting for the largest proportion (approximately 50%).
LBM can be calculated using the following formula.
*LBM(㎏)=Body weight(㎏)×(100-Body fat percentage(%)÷100)

Let’s manage your condition using LBM!

Female Athlete Triad

The Female Athlete Triad (FAT) occurs when the amount and intensity of training increase, but a balanced diet is not maintained. This leads to ‘low energy availability,’ which can result in irregular menstruation, intermittent periods, or complete cessation of menstruation, known as ‘functional hypothalamic amenorrhea.’ This can lead to symptoms such as stress fractures, ligament injuries, and slow recovery from injuries, eventually resulting in ‘osteoporosis.’ These issues are collectively known as the ‘Female Athlete Triad (FAT),’ which refers to three interrelated conditions that female athletes are particularly prone to.

Let’s use the ‘FAT Screening Sheet‘ to objectively reconsider your condition!

Do menstruation and feminine care products affect performance!?

This is a report on a survey of approximately 400 female athletes and para-athletes with normal menstruation to find out what kind of stress they experience during their monthly “bothersome menstruation” and how menstruation and feminine care products affect their performance. 51.9% of female athletes and para-athletes reported feeling that menstrual products have decreased their performance during exercise (Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sports, 2019).

By understanding menstrual issues and utilizing products that allow female athletes and para-athletes to focus on competing at their best at all times, they will be able to overcome physical, sleep, and physiological challenges and comfortably pursue their passion for sports for extended periods.

Be Active! Empowering Female Athletes and Para-Athletes to Be More Active

Iron deficiency anemia

When iron is deficient, what results is “iron deficiency”. When this is combined with “energy deficiency,” the condition is called “iron deficiency anemia.” This is one type of “anemia” that is very common among Girls in School-Based Sport Club Activities.
Symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, lethargy, and dizziness. Especially during adolescence, and when LBM increases, sufficient iron and energy are needed.
The reason why iron deficiency anemia is not easily cured by supplementation of iron alone is because it remains in a state of “energy deficiency,” and the reason why anemia returns after seeming to improve is because the energy deficiency has not been corrected.
*Please refer to video 3 of the “Condition Support Guide for Girls in School-Based Sport Club Activities”.

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