Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport


JCRWS 10th Anniversary International Symposium will be held


Sep 06, 2024

On Saturday, November 2nd, the Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport (JCRWS), Juntendo University will hold the International Symposium to commemorate its 10th anniversary this year.

First, two keynote speeches on women in sport will be shared with the latest information on the current situation in Japan and the global movement of women in sport.
In part 1, we will review the trajectory of JCRWS since its establishment in August 2014, report on research results, and hold a panel discussion to promote further research and public awareness activities in the future.
In part 2, we will invite the global executives of the International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG), the only organization that deepens discussion from an international perspective, to discuss global standards and what Japan should aim for.
This international symposium is a valuable opportunity to learn about the women in sport movement in Japan and overseas. If you are involved in or interested in women in sport, please attend this symposium.
*Simultaneous interpretation JP / EN


JCRWS 10th Anniversary International Symposium

Date: Saturday, November 2nd 2024 15:00~17:30
Venue : Ogawa Hideoki Hall, Building A, Juntendo University Hongo-Ochanomizu Campus
     (2-1-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)

Organizer : Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport (JCRWS)
Co-Organizer : Japanese Association for Women in Sport (JWS)
Target Participants : Researchers, leaders, and coaches, sport organization personnel, athletes, students, media, etc.
Admission Fee : Free *Registration is required in advance.
Registration: Please fill out and submit the application form (“Click here for application” banner below).
Registration Deadline :October 28, 2024, at 15:00
Click here for application

【 Program 】

 15:00 Opening Address 

Dr. Hiroyuki Daida (President, Juntendo University)

 Part 1 
 15:10  Ten-year trajectory and report of research results in JCRWS 

Dr. Etsuko Ogasawara
(Executive Director, JCRWS / Specially Appointed Professor, the Graduate School of Health and Sports Science, Juntendo University)

 15:35 Keynote Speech 1 “Leadership of Women in Sport : Current Situation and Issues in Japan” 

Dr. Kyoko Raita (Professor, Faculty of School of Health and Sport Sciences, Chukyo University)

 15:55 Panel Discussion “Leadership of Women in Sport: An International Perspective on Education and Research”

Panelists: Dr. Kyoko Raita (Professor, Faculty of School of Health and Sport Sciences, Chukyo University)
      Dr. Nicole LaVoi (Director, Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport, University of Minnesota)
      Ms. Lisa O’Keefe MBE (IWG Secretary General)
      Ms. Marlene Bjornsrud (Former Executive Director, Alliance of Women Coaches (WeCOACH))
      Ms. Liz Masen (CEO, Athlete Assessments)
      Dr. Kanae Haneishi (Associate Professor, Western Colorado University)

Facilitator: Dr. Natsue Koikawa
         (Deputy Director, JCRWS / Professor, Faculty of Health and Sports Science, Juntendo University)

 16:15 ―  Break  ― 


 Part 2 
 16:25 Movement of Women in Sport 

      Ms. Yuko Sakurama (Specially Appointed Associate Professor, JCRWS)

 16:30 Message 

      Ms. Annamarie Phelps CBE OLY (IWG Co-Chair)

     Keynote Speech 2 “Recent Movement of Women in Sport and the 9th IWG Global Summit 2026 in UK”  

      Ms. Lisa O’Keefe MBE (IWG Secretary General)

 16:55 Global Movement of Women in Sport ~ ACTION NOW ! ~ 

IWG Members: Ms. Game Mothibi, Ms. Carolyn Ngiraidis, Ms. Louisette-Renée THOBI ETAME NDEDI,
         Ms. Abby Burton, Ms. Aoife Glass, Dr. Etsuko Ogasawara

Facilitator: Ms. Lisa O’Keefe MBE (IWG Secretary General)

 17:25 Closing Address 

Dr. Eri Hirasawa (Deputy Director, JCRWS / Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Research Institute for Diseases of Old Age)


*For inquiries about this symposium, please contact the JCRWS “Contact”

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