Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport


“Female Athletes Health Support Seminar 2016” was held!


Feb 11, 2016

“Female Athletes Health Support Seminar 2016” Event report

“ “Female Athletes Health Support Seminar 2016” was held on February 11, 2016 (Thursday / holiday) focusing on the theme “How to increase height in female athletes”.
The information obtained from the research conducted in tall female athletes as an entrusted assignment by the Japan Sports Agency in 2014 and 2015 as part of the ” Development and Support Project for Female Athletes” was publicly reported. “Surari-chan, Height!”, which was jointly developed by Juntendo University and Nishi Beppu National Hospital as a software to support female athletes in their period of growth, was presented as a result of the relevant research and study.


Opening Address
Professor Hisashi Naito, Dean of Graduate School of Health and Sports Science at Juntendo University

Part 1: Keynote Speech


First of all, Dr.Takao Matsuda, Director of Nishibeppu National Hospital Sports Medicine Center and the Head of Gynecology, gave a keynote speech on the theme ” 4 cm height increase by predicting pubertal growth peak”. He remarked that although it depends on the type of sports, the world is shifting to an era where a player with a strong physique and mobility dominates the world competitions and revealed that “Japan must also train players with a long-term vision.” He also explained with various data that “predicted height” is familiar which is determined from the height of parents, but a 4 cm height increase is possible depending on the way people spend their period of growth and concluded that if more female athletes aim to become larger-bodied, physique athletes, there would be much taller female athletes in Japan.
This research analyzed the growth records (from 1st grade to last year of high school) and family data of nearly 150 female athletes with high height and showed that a certain characteristic emerged among the female athletes whose height grew rapidly during the second stage of their growth period which is from the latter years in elementary school to junior high school.
○When height rapidly increases (growth spurt), weight rapidly increases as well
○The age of menarche is relatively late, and height keeps growing until the age of menarche
Dr. Matsuda said that to increase an additional 4 cm, it is important to properly measure the height and weight and make efforts to grow during the “growth peak” by being alert to the entering time of the “growth spurt”. He described the following as important points to increase height.
○Play a lot during the period before growth spurt (generally in 3rd – 4th grade) like a “tomboy”
○ Keep exercising and eat without dietary restrictions when growth spurt begins (latter years in elementary school)
○Eat as much as you can during the peak of growth and increase height as much as possible
○As “growth hormone” supports height increase, get enough good quality sleep
1)Growth spurt
The period during which one’s height grows significantly compared to the previous years. There are individual differences, but it usually lasts for about 4 years from age 9 to 12 (for girls).

2)Growth peak
The one-year period in which one experiences the highest growth rate (both height and weight grow rapidly during a growth spurt). After reaching the growth peak, the rate of growth declines and lasts only for about 2 years. The growth rate is a numerical value that expresses how much one’s height increased in one year. It is also called the annual growth rate. If height increases by 8 cm in one year, it is written as “8 cm/year”.


Part 2: Panel Discussion

In the panel discussion after the keynote speech, experts on sports nutrition and sleep joined in and a concrete discussion was held to discuss detailed measures to “increase height” without overlooking the “growth spurt”.
Dr. Shihoko Suzuki, Former Chairman of Japan Sports Nutrition Association and Professor at Kanagawa University of Human Services, stated, “Children must be taught not to do too much exercise that would hinder diet and sleep.” She emphasized that growth would not be promoted if one is unable to eat or get enough sleep from fatigue due to long hours of exercise. She also pointed out that it is basic to eat a well-balanced diet but it is also essential to prioritize securing energy by eating staple food such as rice.



Dr. Takatoshi Kasai, a Sleep Expert and an Associate Professor of the Endowed Chair in Cardiology and Cardio-Respiratory Sleep Medicine at Graduate School of Medicine Juntendo University said that it is important to take about 10 hours of sleep and get a high-quality sleep to increase growth hormone. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of increasingly deeper sleep which occurs right after falling asleep and explained that “If you are swift to fall asleep and sleep very well quietly, you are in deep sleep. Heavy snoring is fewer in a deep sleep.”

Ms. Natsue Koikawa, Deputy Executive Director of Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport and Associate Professor at Faculty of Health and Sports Science Juntendo University , who was the coordinator of the session introduced that stretching, hanging exercises, skipping, and jumping, and swimming are effective ways to increase one’s height during the period of growth. Furthermore, she shared a graph representing the growth history of a tall female athlete who is a former Olympian which was analyzed using “Surari-chan, Height!”. Then, Dr. Matsuda described some details such as the timing when her height increased and weight was gained. Ms. Koikawa then introduced the fact that the athlete took ideal meals, sleep, and exercise during her period of growth, and the 3 panelists explained their part based on their specialized fields.。
Many questions were raised from the capacity audience which made it an audience participation type seminar.




Provision of Information

At the seminar, tools that support the growth of female athletes and condition management were introduced.


Introducing the software “Surari-chan, Height!” pamphlet with scale
Ms. Akiko Sekiguchi, Coordinator of the Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport


Introducing diary and e-learning
Ms. Ayumi Ikehata, Lecturer at Tokyo Kasei University and Researcher at the Japanese
Center for Research on Women in Sport

・Software: Surari-chan, Height!

Enter the height of your parents and set the predicted height. As you enter your height and weight according to your growth, a model pattern of a tall female athlete with a similar growth pattern will be displayed. Also, a message will be displayed to notify the user that the growth spurt has begun or when the user is losing weight and helps female athletes not to miss the growth spurt.


・Surari-chan, Height! Pamphlet with scale

It is a reading material that explains the information necessary for the period of growth from various fields and includes the experiences of tall female athletes collected through research and study. The backside is a height measurement sheet (scale) which enables users to enjoy measuring their height at home with the character girl, Surari-chan. Available for download on the website of the Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport.


・Female Athlete Diary 2016


diaryFemale Athlete Diary is a diary for female athletes already utilized by over 2000 people including top athletes in sports such as bicycle, basketball, and volleyball. It is a double-page spread journal that enables female athletes to record data such as basal body temperature, weight, and dietary status for one month.
By writing down the physical and mental conditions every day, the user will be able to manage their own physical and psychological changes. Schedules for training camps, competitions, etc., can also be written down like a normal diary. Available for download on the website of the Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport.
Female Athlete Diary

・e-Learning for Female Athletes

It is a support tool for learning what women need to know to play sports. Consisting of 6 chapters, it contains information that female athletes, those who train and support female athletes, and parents should know. Users can study anytime, anywhere, and any number of times using their PC or smartphones. Users also can check their level of understanding by answering a quiz after the learning video.
It is available on the website of the Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport.



Closing Address
Dr. Etsuko Ogasawara, Executive Director
of the Japanese Center for Research on Women in Sport


Also, at this seminar, a “childcare room” was set up in the facility and specialized staff members looked after the children, so participants and staff with small children could participate without anxiety.



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