JCRWS 女性スポーツ研究センター JCRWS 女性スポーツ研究センター

Lecturer Profile

Dr. Emily Matheson 

Dr. Emily Matheson is the Clinical and Project Specialist at EVERYBODY Consulting. She focuses on developing, evaluating, and launching mental health and well-being initiatives that are backed by science.
エミリー・マセソン博士は、Everybody Consultingのクリニカルおよびプロジェクトスペシャリスト。科学に基づくメンタルヘルスとウェルビーイングの取組みについて、開発、評価、発足に注力している。

She uses gold-standard scientific methods to help collaborators explore and shape their ideas, with the shared goal of sustainable and real-world impact.

Dr. Matheson leads global body image projects, particularly in digital and sporting contexts, and recently headed an international project to create a global body confidence program for girls in sport, in partnership with Dove and Nike.

A qualified Clinical Psychologist with nine years of research experience, Dr Matheson’s work is published in high-impact journals and featured in media outlets like BBC1 and CNN Sports.

Awards 受賞歴
International Conference for Eating Disorders Early Career Travel Award (2020)
国際摂食障害学会 早期キャリアトラベル賞(2020)

Dr. Nicole LaVoi

Dr. Nicole LaVoi is a Senior Lecturer in the area of social and behavioral sciences in the School of Kinesiology at the University of Minnesota and Director of the world’s first Tucker Center dedicated for Research on Girls & Women in Sport.
ニコル・ラボイ博士は、ミネソタ大学キネシオロジー学部(スポーツ心理学、スポーツ社会学)のシニア講師であり、スポーツにおける少女と女性の学問的研究に特化した世界初の研究センター「Tucker Center」のセンター長を務めている。

Her seminal research includes the “Women in College Coaching Report Card™” which is aimed at retaining and increasing the number of women in the coaching profession, and her publications include “Women in Sports Coaching (2016)” which was named “Outstanding Academic Title” in 2017 by Routledge, a leading UK publisher of academic books, journals.
ニコル・ラボイ博士の代表的な研究には、コーチ職における女性の保持と増加を目的とした「Women in College Coaching Report Card™」や、Routledge(ラウトレッジ;学術書やジャーナル等を扱うイギリスの大手出版社)から2017年の“Outstanding Academic Title(優れた学術タイトル)”に選ばれた「Women in Sports Coaching」(2016年)などがある。

Dr. Nicole is continually conducting research-based coaching, parent education, and motivational workshops across the United States. She is also the co-developer of “Body Confident Sport”.

She is a founding member and board member of WeCOACH, an organization dedicated to developing and retaining female coaches across all sports and at all levels, and has taught as a USPTA (United States Professional Tennis Association) professional and coached tennis at all levels.

Awards 受賞歴
“Champion of Equality” as one of the pioneering women who have led that important fight for equality (USTA: United States Tennis Association, 2023)
“Champion of Equality”男女平等に向けた重要な戦いを先導してきた先駆的な女性の一人として選出(全米テニス協会、2023)

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