
  • 2008年

     | A.原著・症例報告 | B. 著書・総説 |


    • Awamura Y,Uchida K,Arikawa-Hirasawa E.Long-term follow-up of laminin alpha2 (merosin)-deficient muscular dystrophy in a cat J Feline Med Surg.2008 10,274-279
    • Diaz-Corrales FJ,Asanuma M,Miyazaki I,Miyoshi K,Hattori N,Ogawa N.Dopamine induces supernumerary centrosomes and subsequent cell death through Cdk2 up-regulation in dopaminergic neuronal cells. Neurotox Res.2008 Dec;14(4):295-305.
    • Hirayama T,Fukae J,Noda K,Fujishima K,Yamamoto T,Mori K,Maeda M,Hattori N,Shiroma N,Tsurui S,Okuma Y. Adult-onset Alexander disease with palatal myoclonus and intraventricular tumor. Eur J Neurol 2008;15:e16-17
    • Kagohashi M,Nakazato T,Yoshimi K,Moizumi S,Hattori N,Kitazawa S.Wireless voltammetry recording in unanesthetised behaving rats.Neurosci Res.2008;60(1):120-7.
    • Kubo S,Iwatake A,Ebihara N,Murakami A,Hattori N.Visual impairment in Parkinson’s disease treated with amantadine: case report and review of the literature.Parkinsonism Relat Disord.2008;14(2):166-9.
    • Kumazawa R,Tomiyama H,Li Y,Imamichi Y,Funayama M,Yoshino H,Yokochi F,Fukusako T,Takehisa Y,Kashihara K, Kondo T, Elibol B, Bostantjopoulou S, Toda T, Takahashi H, Yoshii F, Mizuno Y, Hattori N. Mutation analysis of the PINK1 gene in 391 patients with Parkinson disease.Arch Neurol.2008 Jun;65(6):802-8.
    • Funayama M,Li Y,Tsoi TH,Lam CW,Ohi T,Yazawa S,Uyama E,Djaldetti R,Melamed E,Yoshino H,Imamichi Y, Takashima H,Nishioka K,Sato K,Tomiyama H,Kubo S, Mizuno Y,Hattori N.Familial parkinsonism with digenic parkin and PINK1 mutations Mov Disord 2008;23(10):1461-1465
    • Mellick GD,Siebert GA,Funayama M,Buchanan DD,Li Y,Imamichi Y,Yoshino H,Silburn PA,Hattori N.Screening PARK Genes for Mutations in Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease Patients from Queensland,Australia. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2008 May 15.
    • Miyamoto N,Zhang N,Tanaka R,Liu M,Hattori N,Urabe T: Neuroprotective role of angiotensin II type 2 receptor after transient focal ischemia in mice brain.Neurosci Res 2008 61:249-256.
    • Mizuno Y,Hattori N,Kubo S,Sato S,Nishioka K,Hatano T,Tomiyama H,Funayama M,Machida Y,Mochizuki H. Progress in the Pathogenesis and Genetics of Parkinson’s Disease. Philos trans R Soc Lond B Biol sci 2008 Jun 27;363(1500):2215-27.
    • Mizuta I,Tsunoda T,Satake W,Nakabayashi Y,Watanabe M,Takeda A,Hasegawa K,Nakashima K,Yamamoto M,Hattori N,Murata M,Toda T.Calbindin 1,fibroblast growth factor 20,and alpha-synuclein in sporadic Parkinson’s disease. Division of Clinical Genetics, Department of Medical Genetics,Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine,2-2-B9 Yamadaoka,Suita,Osaka,565-0871,2008 Aug;124(1):89-94.
    • Momma K,Funayama M,Li Y,Ichinose H,Motoyoshi K,Hattori N,Mizuno Y,Kamakura K.A new mutation in the GCH1 gene presents as early-onset Parkinsonism.Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 2008 May 27.
    • Ning Y,Kanai K,Tomiyama H,Li Y,Funayama M,Yoshino H,Sato S,Asahina M,Kuwabara S,Takeda A,Hattori T, Mizuno Y,Hattori N,PARK9-linked parkinsonism in Eastern Asia: Mutation detection in ATP13A2 and clinical phenotype. Neurology 2008;70:1491-1493.
    • Obi K,Akiyama H,Kondo H,Shimomura Y,Hasegawa M,Iwatsubo T,Mizuno Y,Mochizuki H.Relationship of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein and tau accumulation to Abeta deposition in the cerebral cortex of dementia with Lewy bodies.Exp Neurol.2008 Apr;210(2):409-20.
    • Obi T,Nishioka K,Owen A.Ross OA,Terada T,Yamazaki K,Sugiura,A,Takanashi M,Mizoguchi K,Mori H,Mizuno Y,Hattori N.Clinicopathological study of a SNCA gene duplication patient with Parkinson disease and dementia.Neurology 2008 Jan 15;70(3):238-41.
    • Oizumi H,Hayashita-Kinoh H,Hayakawa H,Arai H,Furuya T,Ren YR,Yasuda T,Seki T,Hattori N,Mizuno Y, Mochizuki H.Alteration in the differentiation-related molecular expression in the subventricular zone in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease.Neuroscience research 60 (2008) 15-21
    • 17Ross OA,Wu YR,Lee MC,Funayama M,Chen ML,Soto AI, Mata IF,Lee-Chen GJ,Chen CM,Tang M,Zhao Y,Hattori N, Farrer MJ,Tan EK,Wu RM.Analysis of Lrrk2 R1628P as a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease. Ann Neurol. 2008;64:88-92.
    • Suzuki K,Miyamoto T,Miyamoto M,Okuma Y,Hattori N,Kamei S,Yoshii F,Utsumi H,Iwasaki Y,Iijima M,Hirata K.Excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep episodes in Japanese patients with Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Sci 2008;271:47-52
    • Tomiyama H,Kokubo Y,Sasaki R,Li Y,Imamichi Y,Funayama M,Mizuno Y,Hattori N,Kuzuhara S.Mutation analyses in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism-dementia complex of Kii,Japan. Mov Disord.2008;23:2344-2348.
    • Tomiyama H,Mizuta I,Li Y,Funayama M,Yoshino H,Li L,Murata M,Yamamoto M,Kubo S,Mizuno Y,Toda T,Hattori N.LRRK2 P755L variant in sporadic Parkinson’s disease.J Hum Genet 2008;53:1012-1005
    • amashiro K,Komine-Kobayashi M,Hatano T,Urabe T,Mochizuki H,Hattori N,Iwama Y,Daida H,Sakai M,Nakayama T,Mizuno Y: The frequency of cardiac valvular regurgitation in Parkinson’s disease. Mov Disord 2008 23: 935-941.
    • 上野祐司,張 寧,宮元伸和,田中亮太,服部信孝,部貴夫.エダラボンのラット慢性脳虚血モデルにおける検討.Pharma Medica 26: 178-179,2008.
    • 田中康貴,上野祐司,平山 喬,宮元伸和,田中亮太,服部信孝,卜部貴夫,抗リン脂質抗体症候群に合併した奇異性脳塞栓症の一例,分子脳血管病,2008,7(4),484-5


    • Mizuno Y,Hattori N,Kubo S,Sato S,Nishioka K,Hatano T,Tomiyama H,Funayama M,Machida Y,Mochizuki H. Progress in the pathogenesis and genetics of Parkinson’s disease (Review) Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2008;363:2215-2227
    • Mochizuki H,Yasuda T,Mouradian M,Advances in Gene Therapy for Movement disorders.Neurotherapeutics 2008Apr;5(2)260-9.Review
    • 関根威,服部信孝.【神経変性疾患とゲノム】家族性パーキンソン病.ゲノム医学,2008;8(2):99-103
    • 名取司保子・服部信孝.パーキンソン病患者さんに発生する合併症の諸問題と具体的対応策.難病と在宅ケア.14巻4号 Page25-28.2008年7月.
    • 服部信孝.薬学セレクト 疾患と薬物治療知っておきたいcommon diseases101.富野康日己・望月正隆 編.医歯薬出版.2008年5月.
    • 服部信孝.高齢者パーキンソン病の治療戦略(座談会).Pharma Medica.26巻3号 Page153-159.2008年3月.
    • 服部信孝,舩山 学,江口博人,関根 威,富山弘幸.遺伝性パーキンソン病の病態と診断(総説).MDSJ Letters,2008;1(1):6-8
    • 服部信孝,近藤智善 編,出口の見えないパーキンソン病治療 最近の動向と問題点. Progress in Medicine特集 パーキンソン病治療の変遷と今後の展望,ライフサエンス,東京,Vol.28 No.10 Page15-20.2008年10月号
    • 服部信孝編,ここまでわかったパーキンソン病研究, 別冊「医学のあゆみ」,医歯薬出版株式会社,東京,Vol.225 No. 5.2008年5月
    • 服部信孝監修,薬物療法と機能外科の融合PDシンポジウム,Pharma Medica,メディカルレビュー社,東京,Vol.26,2008年12月
    • 水野美邦.パーキンソン病の病因解明.In 「よくわかるパーキンソン病のマネジメント」 改訂版.田代邦雄編,医薬ジャーナル社,大阪,2008,pp 83-85