JCRWS 女性スポーツ研究センター JCRWS 女性スポーツ研究センター


研究業績 平成29(2017)年度


1 Shiba S, Ikeda K, Horie-Inoue K, Nakayama A, Tanaka T, Inoue S. Deficiency of COX7RP, a mitochondrial supercomplex assembly promoting factor, lowers blood glucose level in mice. Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1): 7606.
2 Fujita S, Sakuraba K, Kubota A, Wakamatsu K, Koikawa N. Stress fracture influences bone resorption marker (u-NTX) in female long distance runners. Int J Sports Med. 2017; 38: 1070-1075.
3 金子 晴香. 陸上短距離-パフォーマンス向上とケガへの対応 ランニング(短距離)による肉離れの疫学・治療・予防. Sportsmedicine. July. 2017; 29巻6号: p2-4.
4 Kato T, Kasai T, Yatsu S, Murata A, Matsumoto H, Suda S, Hiki M, Shiroshita N, Kato M, Kawana F, Miyazaki S, Daida H. Acute Effects of Positive Airway Pressure on Functional Mitral Regurgitation in Patients with Systolic Heart Failure. Front Physiol. 2017; 8: 921.
5 Suetake N, Kobayashi H. Approaches to the autonomic nervous system in female athletes. Juntendo Med J. 2017; 63(2): 83-87.
6 Kawanishi N, Takagi K, Lee HC, Nakano D, Okuno T, Yokomizo T, Machida S. Endurance exercise training and high-fat diet differentially affect composition of diacylglycerol molecular species in rat skeletal muscle. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory. Integrative and Comparative Physiology. (In press)
7 Ozaki Hayao, Kitada Tomohiro, Nakagata Takashi, Naito Hisashi. Combination of body mass-based resistance training and high-intensity walking can improve both muscle size and VO2peak in untrained older women. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2017; 17(5): 779-784.
8 Kumagai H, Tobina T, Ichinoseki-Sekine N, Kakigi R, Tsuzuki T, Zempo H, Shiose K, Yoshimura E, Kumahara H, Ayabe M, Higaki Y, Yamada R, Kobayashi H, Kiyonaga A, Naito H, Tanaka H, Fuku N. Role of selected polymorphisms in determining muscle fiber composition in Japanese men and women. J Appl Physiol. 2018. (In press)
9 Itoh M, Hums M, A, Arai A, Ogasawara E. Realizing Identity and OvercomingBarriers: Factors Influencing Female Japanese Paralympians to Become Coaches. International Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2018; Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.201630.
10 植松伸之介, 井口祐貴, 楠本繁生, 下河内洋平, 大城章, 横手健太. 女子ハンドボール選手におけるIMUを用いた試合中の動きに関する研究. コーチング学研究. 2018年3月; 第31巻第2号: p177-183.
研究業績 平成29(2017)年度 H26年度~30年度に実施した
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